Ms Jin, a petitioner hiding in BJ now. She is 35 years old and from Yunxi county in Hubei province.
Jin said that based on a documents issued by the government, her sister and she should be assigned to work at the local government in 2005. However, the director of the local county allegedly abuse his power and gave the two quota to his own relatives.
Jin said that based on a documents issued by the government, her sister and she should be assigned to work at the local government in 2005. However, the director of the local county allegedly abuse his power and gave the two quota to his own relatives.
Jin and her sister came to Beijing as petitioners to look for justice in August 2005 and again in August 2008. But both times, they were taken away back local authorities. In 2005, she was detained for more than 15 months while this year she was jailed for about 20 days. He sister is still under house arrest at home in Hubei.
Jin was also badly beaten during her detention at where she called a "black jail". This detention center has no official status, unlike police detention, criminal arrest, or formal sentences to jail or labor camp. News reports showed local government officials are increasingly using such detention facilities as a way to control petitioners.
Mr Ruan, 45 years old, Yunxi county, Hubei province
Ruan said his 145 square meters house and store were forced demolished by a local developer and dozens of thugs in March 2008. He then took the developer to court, but the judge has not given an verdict for the case so far. Ruan said the court could not rule the defendant guilty because the developer had connections, and the court could not rule against him either because he had receipts and evidence to show he owned the property.
Ruan later sought to come to Beijing to file a complaint, but he was taken back by force several times and severely beaten up. His wife has been staying at hospital after beaten by the developer, and has cost him more than 20,000 yuan for treatment. Ruan's identity card was also taken by local authorities.
His first daughter is a migrant worker, and his second daughter is currently a medical student at the local medical school. The younger daughter spent her summer holidays on campus because there was no home to return. Ruan hopes the central government could help him to get what he deserves, and punish the officials and developers who committed wrongdoings.
1 comentari:
És trist que encara passin aquestes coses en un país que s'ha de convertir en la primera potència mundial (o això diuen). No interessa que se sàpiga, si no fos per vosaltres no ens entereriem de res. No obstant, sense anar més lluny, aquí a vegades se senten coses (no tan greus evidentment), com per exemple els maltractaments a una comissaria de Barcelona on han hagut de posar càmeres; o les expropiacions de cases (no recorodo en quin indret d'Espanya era, crec que cap al sud) a persones que els van prendre el pèl venent-los cases construides en terrenys no edificables, i ara es queden amb una mà al davant i una altra enrera. A vegades penso si en els països "evolucionats" realment ho estem tant com sembla.
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